Our Services
Electrical sector is a high and wide range and it all starts with a design and ends with a fully satisfied high end finishing using European quality of items.
We can design, execute, and consult starting from the civil works to wiring devices installation, panel boards (ATS, Main Distribution Panel, Sub Distribution Panel, and Automation Panel), lighting, renewable energy (power and hot water), and (earthing and lightening) protection.
Home Control and Home Automation is one of the most important technologies found it facilities your life and save you time like cooling or heating your home on your way back before arriving also you can control the lights, sun screens, arming and disarming your security, and even your coffee machine. In addition to that you can protect your home from thieves by timing to light the lights in different rooms even if you are away.
Renewable energy is a must today that you don’t have to think twice about it. We offer you now a complete solution that starts from consulting to installing the exact system that you need with perfect result and high-end systems, and of course you should not worry about the future since we can deal with a long term contract for maintenance and support.

Physical security issues are wide and complex. SMCL & SMART-SMB are expert in this range and together will find the Total Security Solution for your home or business. We are able to help you protect your property and your information.
Your security begins with a High-Security Keying System, well designed and installed professionally. We can help you to decide the type of security you may need to protect.
Access Control
Now is a common wide kind of security in buildings, banks, hotels, and retails to restrict uncertified people from accessing denied areas and control their movements. We offer a reliable access control system utilizing IP technology and consisting of a RFID card reader which also support NFC Technology. We can also connect the CCTV system to gain a complete security system.
Door entry system used in buildings, our company can provide you with a fully integrated system with your existing or new security cameras or anti-burglary alarm system and also with your IP telephony system. You can answer your door wherever you are from your pc or smartphone. These systems can be simple or complex as you want and can be installed in all sizes and types of buildings.
Peace of mind when you are away from your property. We are committed to bring high quality CCTV System at home, banks, companies, city surveillance, hotels, governmental, and many other sectors.
The analytics solutions offer users a powerful combination for automated and enhanced video surveillance applications analytics help users track and identify suspicious behaviour or events, automatically alerting operators of this critical information through user-friendly interface.
Most of companies use video analytics to enhance guard performance, the field of view of your camera can be monitored 24 hours for any intrusion or burglary when it occurs and takes action when integrated with your security system. Video analytics can transform your security CCTV from reactive monitoring to proactive prevention.
Intruder Alarm System
Protects your home and company from burglars and we put in your hands the complete integrated intrusion solution with highest security standards.
Intrusion alarms can stand alone or can be combined with CCTV for a best protection to automatically record the activities of intruders, and may interface to access control systems for electrically locked doors.
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm Systems are designed and installed as an early warning system to the occupants of buildings that danger from fire is forthcoming. A system that is correctly designed, installed and maintained will ensure that all inhabitants have adequate time to evacuate a building and alert the fire authorities in good time. Fires are even more dangerous than thieves. A fire can devour an entire house, even communities, whereas thieves often just take what they want. Because your home/premises are one of your biggest investments, it is important to protect your premises not only from burglars, but also fires. When it comes to protecting the things you value the most, you want to be certain you chose the right company for the job.
Networking is a common technology that is used in your daily life that starts from your wireless connection on your smartphone till the data centre at your company.
Businesses that employ high availability solutions cannot afford any downtime. These businesses require faultless and continuity in the event of physical unavailability of their production sites. Disaster Recovery (DR) infrastructure and procedures need to be applied in order to ensure continuity of business in case of a physical breakdown of equipment or site.
We provide customized design solutions to our clients including network architecture and DATA Centres.
IT Solutions
Since we care about you and your business, we can provide you all the needed solutions to protect you from losing data and help you to choose the right product to avoid spending money for nothing. Data recovery is now too much important for all since our computers have sensitive electronic components and nobody can know when his product goes down, to avoid losing your data we can provide you the right back up solution and even replace your old hard drive with all data and configuration to a new one.